MCI prioritizes the protection of natural landscapes

Magog, June 16, 2023 – Memphremagog Conservation Inc. (MCI) held its 56th annual general assembly on June 3rd in the Chapel at Southière-sur-le-lac in Magog. It was an occasion to remind ourselves of the importance of MCI’s mission for present and future generations. Johanne Lavoie, volunteer president of the organization since 2022, stated that: ‘more than ever, MCI’s priorities for the coming years will be the protection of natural landscapes. The state of Lake Memphremagog indicates that it is not immune to changes in the climate. The constant presence of cyanobacteria, the impact of exotic invasive species and the presence of the Coventry landfill site at the head of the lake are a clear indication of the impact of humans on the lake’. MCI monitors these issues closely and offers concrete solutions to remedy them. These actions were presented by the President, the General Manager, and the project leaders.

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