
Since 1972, MCI has been active in protecting the environmental health of Lake Memphremagog. These efforts have led to the production of numerous studies by MCI and its partners, presented in the form of reports, on different subjects related to the Lake Memphremagog watershed. We invite you to learn more by consulting these reports. 

Studies on the quality of the lake's water

Physico-chemical profile of Lake Memphremagog's water, summer 2021 (in French only)

Report prepared by Fanny De Blois, project manager and member of MCI's 2021 patrol. 

Physico-chemical profile of Lake Memphremagog's water, summer 2020 (in French only)

Report prepared by Frédérique Thibault-Lessard, project manager.

Physico-chemical profile of Lake Memphremagog's water, summer 2019 (in French only)

Report prepared by Frédérique Thibault-Lessard, project manager.

Study of nutrient loading and impacts in Lake Memphremagog

Study of nutrient loading and impacts in Lake Memphremagog prepared by the Memphremagog study advisory group (MSAG) for the International Joint Commission (IJC) in 2020.

Physico-chemical profile of Lake Memphremagog's water, summer 2016 (in French only)

Report prepared by Anaïs Messier, Patrol Coordinator, summer 2016.

Report on coliform bacteria in Fitch Bay in 2016 (summary in english)

A study carried out by the MCI patrollers in 2015 and 2016 in the North-East sector of Fitch Bay.

Physico-chemical profile of Lake Memphremagog's water, summer 2015 (in French only)

Report prepared by Anaïs Messier, Patrol Coordinator, summer 2015.

Physico-chemical profile of Lake Memphremagog's water, summer 2014 (in French only)

Physico-chemical profile of Lake Memphremagog in 2014, prepared by Ariane Orjikh, Patrol coordinator.

Dissolved oxygen content in Lake Memphremagog, 2013 (in French only)

Report prepared by Catherine Roy, Patrol coordinator, 2013.

Study on turbidity in Lake Memphremagog (in French only)

Study carried out by the MCI patrol 2013. Report written by Nicolas Vachon, patroller.

Trophic state of Lake Memphermagog (in French only)

Presentation given by François Bélanger on the lake's trophic state based on MCI sampling and analysis by the MELCC. The analysis compares data from 1999-2002 to data from 2009-2012.

Inventory of Lake Memphremagog's tributaries (in French only)

Study carried out by MCI's patrol in 2011.

Restoring Water Quality in the Lake Memphremagog Basin: 2011 Black River Water Quality Report

The goal of this project was to further assess and identify the sources of water quality problems along the main stem and several tributaries of the Black River, where high phosphorus and sediment levels had been measured previously.
Study carried out by Mr. Fritz Gerhardt, Ph.D.

Black River - "Restoring Water Quality in the Lake Memphremagog Basin..."


Restoring Water Quality in the Lake Memphremagog Basin: Black River Protection and Restoration Project. 2010 preliminary report.

Study carried out by Mr. Fritz Gerhardt, Ph.D.

Johns River: "Restoring Water Quality in the Lake Memphremagog Basin..."


Restoring Water Quality in the Lake Memphremagog Basin: Phosphorus and Nitrogen Levels along the Johns River and Seven Smaller Tributaries.

Study carried out in 2009 by Mr. Fritz Gerhardt, Ph. D.

Study of water quality in Lake Memphremagog from 1996 to 2002 (in French only) 

Study of water quality in Lake Memphremagog from 1996 to 2002 prepared by Environnement Québec.

Physical state of the lake - 1989 (in French only)

Physical state of the lake: temperature and dissolved oxygen. Study carried out by Stewart Hopps.

An analysis of Factors that may be contributing to the pollution of Lake Memphremagog

The full document is available upon request ( at the Old Library, Bihsop's University, Lennoxville, Quebec.

Choi, S., Crangle, M., Glen, M., Hurdle, S., Hitchfield, P., Jamison, A., Kwan, S., Siu, H. & H. Weisenberger. (1969). An analysis of Factors that may be contributing to the pollution of Lake Memphremagog. An exercise undertaken by third year geography Students. McGill University, Montreal, 29 p.

Studies on the overall health of the lake

Operation Healthy Lake-Vermont - 2006

MCI completed the Operation Healthy Lake project on the Vermont side, thus giving a more complete picture of the health of the entire lake.

Operation Healthy Lake-Québec - 2005

Phase 1 of Operation Healthy Lake (Quebec):
MCI, in collaboration with biologists from RAPPEL, has produced a study of the health of Lake Memphremagog's canadian portion.

The phosphorus and nitrogen budgets of Lake Memphremagog - 1979

With a predictive model of its nutrient concentration following sewage removal.

Lake Memphremagog - Vermont : An hydrologic and hydraulic analysis - 1978

Report on the capability and procedure to regulate lake Memphremagog.

Department of the Army, New York District. 

Studies on biodiversity

Inventory of Eurasian watermilfoil in Lake Memphremagog (in french only)

MCI study carried out in 2022. Report written by Roxanne Tremblay, MCI project manager.

Report on the Angler Creel Survey

Report prepared by the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department. This document presents the preliminary version of the study. A summary version will be produced by the Vermont government and released in the winter of 2022.

Experimental Bridle Shiner fishery (Notropis bifrenatus) in the Eastern Townships, Summer 2017 (in French only)

Reference : CHOLETTE, S. et M. J. GOULET (2018). Pêche expérimentale du méné d’herbe (Notropis bifrenatus) en Estrie, été 2017 — Rapport technique, Direction de la gestion de la faune de l’Estrie, de Montréal, de la Montérégie et de Laval, ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs, 45 p.

The benthic biomass, and production of Chironomus, Procladius and Chaoborus along a phytoplankton biomass gradient in Lake Memphremagog, Quebec-Vermont - 1974

The full document is available upon request ( at the Old Library, Bihsop's University, Lennoxville, Quebec.

Dermott, R. M. (1974). The benthic biomass, and production of Chironomus, Procladius and Chaoborus along a phytoplankton biomass gradient in Lake Memphremagog, Quebec-Vermont. Tesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, Master of Science, McGill University, Montreal, 155 p.

Studies on shoreline buffer zones

Evaluation of the impact of wakeboat type waves on the shorelines of Lakes Memphremagog and Lovering - 2014 (in French only)

The objective of this study is to develop a scientific methodology allowing us to validate the existence, size and impact of oversized waves created by wakeboats on the environment in Québec. The study was carried out on Lakes Memphremagog and Lovering in collaboration with the Lake lovering Conservation Society and MCI.

Riparian buffer zone analysis - Magog (in French only)

Study carried out in 2015 by Anaïs Messier, MCI patrol coordinator.

Riparian zone analysis - Stanstead Township and Ogden (in French only)

study carried out in 2014 by Anaïs Messier, MCI patroller.

Taylor Brook watershed stream survey


Summary only. The full document is available upon request ( at the Old Library, Bihsop's University, Lennoxville, Québec.

Alper T. (1980). Taylor Brook Watershed: Stream Survey, Memphremagog Conservation Inc. 17 p. P137/006.02.

Fitch Brook watershed stream survey

Summary only. The full document is available upon request ( at the Old Library, Bihsop's University, Lennoxville, Québec.

Alper T. (1980). Fitch Brook Watershed: Stream Survey, Memphremagog Conservation Inc. 17 p. P137/006.02.

Studies on navigation

Pleasure boat inventory (in French only)

Inventory of pleasure boats carried out in 2009-2010. Report prepared by Catherine Roy, Patroller, 2010, Erich Smith-Peter, Patrol coordinator, 2010-2011, and Ariane Orjikh, Patroller, 2012.